Imagine you could access a series of adviser best practice insights garnered while working with more than 1,000 financial advisers, along with many of the advice industry’s thought leaders and leading practitioners, over a period of 35 years. What would that be worth to your practice?
The GROW Adviser Capability program will be sharing a selected series of best practice insights over the next 14 weeks, for free. All you need to do is register here and, twice a week, we will deliver a new, brief, Best Practice Action to your email inbox.
The selection of 31 GROW Adviser Capability insights that we will be sharing include very specific, immediately implementable, actions across key areas of financial adviser best practice, including, but not limited to, the following valuable articles:
Turning satisfaction into delight
Client confidence assessments
How to identify your optimum clients
A consistent source of referrals is essential
Earning and asking for referrals
What is value?
How strong is your value proposition – or do you even have one?
What motivates prospects and clients to say Yes?
Preparation is the key to success
An alternative way to prepare for client reviews
Don’t wait until review time to connect
This is a unique opportunity to learn from the best and build and develop exceptional client and prospect engagement capability.